Friday, August 7, 2015

LOTS of Family!

My parents arrived home from Nauvoo late last night and we usually have our big family campout at the airport this weekend.  Because they weren’t sure if they’d get back in time, we offered to hold the campout at our house this year!  Then, we found out that a bunch of my cousins from Vegas would be up and wanted to have a big dinner at the farm.  It ended up working out great as we didn’t have to have anything prepped for dinner and everyone just went to Uncle Barry’s instead!  There were almost 120 people there and lots that I haven’t seen in years.  It was fun visiting with everyone and touching base again.


While there, Uncle Barry had two of his horses saddled and the kids got to take turns getting a ride.  This is the first time Emma and Ben have been on a horse and they loved it!


It was hilarious getting to tease Trisha about eating too much when she was just trying to be nice and clear everyone’s plates.  She’s only a few weeks away from having her baby!  There were a lot of stories being shared and I wish we could have stayed longer, but the kids were getting so tired that we had to take them home to bed.  We had thought about putting up our tent in the backyard so that they could ‘camp’ with their cousins, but they were so tired, that we just put them in to bed and didn’t hear another peep out of them!


Everyone else eventually showed up and we had a run on the bathroom getting everyone through!  Good thing the kids slept right through it all!  Eventually all the kids and dads were in the tents and the gals stayed up and visited.  Melissa and Rachel came over from their in-laws and Melissa brought 4 big bags of clothes that she’d been given.  We all tried on clothes (or they did… I was too big for all of them… blah…) and laughed at some of the crazy things we found.


Some of the turtle neck shirts were hilarious.  Mindy and Shauna showed us how ‘interesting’ a couple were.  It was fun visiting, but I was so tired that when I finally got to bed at midnight I crashed hard!


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