Thursday, June 22, 2017


The school had their huge end-of-school carnival today.  Since I've volunteered at the school all year, I was invited to attend the Volunteer lunch at noon.  We came a little early so that Ben could have a chance to try out some of the carnival stuff too!  He loved the bumper balls especially!

 I managed to catch a few pictures of Emma while we were there too!
 Anything involving water guns is fun, right?

 Emma was a little frustrated that she didn't get to come with us to the Volunteer lunch, but I finally convinced her to just go with her class.  Ben and I had a good lunch and each of the volunteers got a T-shirt for helping.  The older grades had their carnival after lunch, but our kids had about half an hour to play on anything before they came out.  Ben pretty much stayed in the bumper balls the whole time.
 After school, Emma had her swim meet at Swim Club.  I haven't been as impressed with Swim Club this year.  She's had a younger instructor that hasn't pushed her at all.  Last year she was actually swimming strokes and getting somewhere (with a lot of encouragement), but this year it looked like she was half drowning!  She attempt a few strokes and then grab the wall or the instructor.  Oh well, at least she tried and we didn't have as many meltdowns as last year.

Also - Happy Birthday to my mom in Nauvoo!

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