Thursday, August 1, 2013

Back to Life... Back to Reality

I had to laugh when we got to the house yesterday after picking Lennard up from the airport.  I started singing, "Back to life..." and Lennard finished it.  We were thinking the same thing.  Boy, does it ever throw you to have a two week break from everything - kids, house, work, etc.  It's crazy how fast it all comes crashing in on you!  Not that it's all bad.  We're both glad to be home with our kids.  It's just a major change in a short time.  I forgot how LOUD my kids can be!  Emma has definitely been going through a whiny/demanding phase and it's hard to be patient when it's non-stop!  Ben hasn't been feeling great (just a cold), but they've both been extremely clingy.  I feel bad that we left them that long when I can't move and they are asking where I'm going, what I'm doing, when I'm going to be back, etc.  For the first few days after I got home, Emma kept asking where she was going to sleep.  Poor kids.  They had so much fun playing with their cousins, but I think it will be a while before I can leave them with anyone again.

We do have to give a HUGE thank you to my parents and my sisters, Shauna and Mindy for taking such good care of our kids while we were gone.  We couldn't have done it without them.  I wish that we'd been able to bring stuff back for everyone, but flying in a small airplane definitely limits the shopping!

The kids are more than happy that Lennard is home now too.  They weren't very happy that he had to go to work today and have asked me numerous times when he will be home.  I think we're going to have to spend a lot of family time together in the coming weeks to convince them that we aren't going anywhere without them (at least for now!).

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