Monday, June 8, 2015

Only ONE More Day!

How is it possible that the school year is pretty well over?!  It has gone by so fast.  Emma has thoroughly enjoyed her year at preschool and is now very excited for kindergarten.  She wasn’t impressed that she had to wait until summer holidays were over to start kindergarten! 

The year has been such a good experience for her.  She has met new friends and learned that she’s not the ‘boss’ all the time!  Mrs. Toth has been so kind and all the EA’s have been great.  Emma decided that she wanted pictures taken today, since Wednesday (on their last day), they will be in swimming suits and getting muddy, wet and being painted!  Emma loved having Mrs. Hansen be her ‘helper’.  I think all the EAs have been wonderful, but Emma has talked more about Mrs. Hansen than anyone else.

I am so thankful that she’s had such a positive first experience at school. 


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