Saturday, August 15, 2015

Building an Airplane

We spend quite a bit of time out at the airport and our hangar is slowly getting better and better for what we need and to be comfortable.  We don’t have heat yet, but are hopeful that we can get it in before it gets too cold to work on things.  The kids have the mezzanine as ‘their’ area and it is working pretty good.  We’ve got to get some old carpet to put down up there and maybe a little couch or something for them to sit on.  We have a TV and DVD player to keep them occupied, as well as Emma’s art table with coloring books and crayons.  We also have the train table up there and will eventually bring out all the trains so that Ben can play with that while we’re working.

We are working on the rudder and Lennard goes out in the evenings quite often.  Today, he was glad to have an extra set of hands so that he could finish dimpling the skins. 


We were at a good stopping spot when my parents called to invite us over for dinner. They are watching Rachel’s kids for the weekend and so Emma and Ben got to play with their cousins for an hour or two.  It’s been so nice having my parents home.  It felt like they were gone forever!


After we got home from my parents and got the kids in bed, Lennard went back out and worked on the rudder some more!  We’re getting really close to having it done to where we’ll have to have an inspection before we can continue on it.  One step closer!

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