Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Meal Planning

I was asked a few months ago if I would teach a class on meal planning at a Relief Society activity. It's been a long time since I've talk an adult class, so I was a little nervous about how it would go. I also wondered if I'd be able to fill the time.  I mean, really... make a list of meals, put them on your calendar and buy the groceries for the meals.  Done.  Right?!  Thankfully, it went really well and I filled the time and didn't stumble over my words too badly!  I hope that those in the class will actually implement something that they learned, but even if they didn't, it encouraged me to get a little more organized.  I have so many projects on the go that I sometimes drop the ball on meals. After preparing for this class, it has made me realize that I just need to follow what I already have set up and we'd be good.  I am looking forward to adding a few extras to meals that I've rediscovered after pulling out all my recipes, etc.  So there you go... I got taught as much as those who listened to me!

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