Tuesday, August 19, 2014


It’s so frustrating when you make a mistake that could have been avoided.  I was mowing the front lawn and had finished everything except for the pile of weeds by the family room window.  We always just whipper snip it, so I’m not sure why I thought it would be okay to try to mow it… I was very careful to hold the mower up a bit so that I’d only get the weeds and not all the rocks, but I guess I wasn’t careful enough.  On the very last swipe, the blades caught a rock and flung it through the window!  So incredibly frustrating!

I turned the mower off and went to see what the damage was like downstairs.  There was glass everywhere… literally!  The glass went about 5 or 6 feet into the room and covered toys, blankets, etc.  I banished the kids to the backyard and started cleaning up.  I got everything vacuumed up as best as I could and was still finding bits of glass if the light caught it just right.  I couldn’t find the rock though!  I searched all over the place, but no luck.

When Lennard got home he went searching and ended up finding it clear across the room beside the recliner chair!  I’m so incredibly thankful that the kids weren’t playing downstairs.  It could have been so much worse than it was.

2014-08-19  2014-08-19b

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