Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Drinking Man?

Last week we ordered a new recliner for our family room (thanks Dad Nichols!).  Our other one was falling apart (quite literally) and it was definitely time for a change.  When Sears called to say it was in, we were excited to head in to Lethbridge and pick it up.  It was a very rushed trip, as we had to be back in time for our home teachers to come.  On the way in to Lethbridge, Lennard got a work phone call saying that there was a reconnect that needed to be done, so that put a little more pressure on us to get in and back!  We got it loaded, grabbed some KFC for dinner and raced home.  Lennard went and did the reconnect and got home about five minutes after our home teachers had arrived.  As soon as they left, he got changed and headed up to the church for an Elders Quorum meeting!  When he got home, we were all ready to take a break and slow down, so we decided to play a game of crib with my father-in-law.  I had to laugh at this picture - Dad is smiling away and Lennard looks like he's been run over and driven to drinking (Root Beer).  Dad is a card wizard!  (Although I did manage to skunk him in ONE game! - Love you, Dad!)

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