Friday, April 6, 2012

Sick Kids

We have had quite the week with sick kids in our house.  Ben has not been himself for well over a week and we thought it was just another cold.  When he started running a fever on Monday we started thinking that it was something more than just the run of the mill common cold though.  I tried to get him in to the doctor on Tuesday, but they couldn't fit him in until Wednesday afternoon.  I was told then that he had strep throat.  We got him on antibiotics immediately.  Of course, by now Emma wasn't feeling well either so she got started on antibiotics too.  I had two very clingy, cranky kids that didn't want anyone except me to hold them... fun times.  Anyways, by Friday, Ben didn't have a fever any more, but he got a rash and was not doing well.  I finally took him in to the ER Friday afternoon and the doctor there said that his strep throat had moved on to 'scarlatina'.  To make sure that the rash wasn't from the antibiotic, we switched to a different medicine and were told to keep giving him Tylenol every 6 hours to help with the pain.  Poor little boy!  Emma is now getting the same treatment and we are really hoping that they get better soon!  The sleepless nights and cranky kids the past week and a half are starting to wear on us. 

Of course, through all this, we had my father-in-law come for a visit!  I feel sorry for the amount of time he spent listening to the kids scream/whine/cry instead of watching them laugh/giggle/play like they normally do.  Hopefully the next visit will go better!

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