Monday, March 3, 2014

Another First

All weekend long Emma has been asking if it was time for her to go to the dentist yet.  When this morning finally came, she was SO excited… until she got in the chair.  All of a sudden she got nervous and wanted me to hold her hand.  Rob couldn’t even get her to open her mouth for the first little bit.  I finally started teasing her and she loosened up a bit.  This picture was when she opened her mouth and Rob was showing her what the dentist would do later.


Once she relaxed she was fine.  Rob got her teeth cleaned and even got the fluoride treatment done (although she wasn’t real sure about it).


I had a check up and cleaning done just after her, so I didn’t go with her when Dr. Michel checked her teeth, but she did fine by then.  They weren’t able to get good enough x-rays, but she has a few cavities right in the very back that we have to come back to get fillings done on.  They are going to give her laughing gas then so that they can get better x-rays at the same time as they do the fillings.

She was so excited when they gave her a new Cinderella toothbrush, chap stick, and a couple little prizes for being good.  It was definitely a good experience for her and I hope the next visit won’t ruin everything!

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