Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Resolutions


At the start of a new year I always wonder what the next 365 days will bring and what I can do to make it better than the past year.  There is always room for improvement… always! 

One of the projects that I decided to work on this year is called Project Life.  It’s a basic scrapbooking system that I’ve tried in the past, but this year I’m going to do it digitally and (ideally) have it ready to be printed in a hard cover book at the end of the year.  I’m excited to capture our everyday craziness and have a record of what we’ve done each day. 

As I was working on this title page, I found this quote about happiness and it made me stop and think that THAT is what I want to focus on this year.  To just be happy with what we have and not wish our lives away.  It’s way too easy to say things like, “When the kids are this old, we can do this…” or “When we build a deck, the backyard will be so much better.” or “If the weather would improve, we could go camping.”  The list can go on and on if we allow it too instead of looking at where we are and what we have and being grateful for it.  I love the stage the kids are right this very moment.  I may not enjoy the temper tantrums, but I am going to try to remember that it’s because they are growing and learning and healthy children!  We may not have a deck in the backyard, but we have a wonderfully huge backyard that the kids can run and play in without us having to worry about where they are!  The weather may not be pleasant right now… but we live in Canada!  I am proud to be a Canadian and sometimes I just have to be able to put up with the cold and be thankful for my warm, secure home and safe neighborhood.

I am looking forward to the adventures that we will have as a family this year! 

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