Monday, February 16, 2015

Family Day

We have had such a wonderful day today.  After a late night last night we were happy when the kids ‘slept in’ until 7:30!  We had a lazy morning and eventually had poached eggs in cream for breakfast.  Emma and Ben both ate so much!  Ben would have eaten three eggs if I’d had any more cooked!  Ben was quite the helper too and ‘washed’ dishes (and himself and the floor).


We headed out to the airport shortly after dinner and got going on the East wall.  After figuring out the first upper piece that had to go under a piece of the door and over a different one and then have a part cut out to fit around a beam, the rest of the pieces were easy!  We completed the entire East wall before lunch and started on the door! 


While we were working, Ben was ‘doing his exercises’ and watching a movie in the trailer (aka: staying warm in the only place that has heat!).  Emma popped in and out of the trailer, ‘helped’ us off and on, and visited with grandma and grandpa in their hangar.


Mom made us all lunch and then at about 1:00 the Toone’s came out for some airplane rides!  My dad had already given two others rides this morning, so the plane was out and ready for more fun.  Lawson and Wyatt had a lot of fun, but I think Shannon had the most fun… at least that’s what Lennard said from all the shrieks of excitement!  Izzy didn’t want anything to do with the airplane and Auri was too little to go yet.


Once everyone left, we got working on the hangar door and managed to get it all done too!  It’s amazing how different it looks having the OSB up on the walls.  It looks SO tall!


To finish off a fantastic day, we treated my parents to dinner at The Keg in Lethbridge for their 41st wedding anniversary!  The kids were so excited to ‘go to grandma and grandpa’s anniversary’!  It was really cold where we were seated, hence the coats in the picture, but thankfully they finally got it warmed up about half way through the meal.  The food was fantastic. 


I feel so blessed to live close to my parents and to get to see them so often.  Today has been the best ‘Family’ day ever. 

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