Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Ten Things About Ben

1. Has the best laugh!  At bedtime I always tickle him when I tuck him in to bed just so I can hear him giggle!

2.  Ben loves to snuggle.  Every morning he will climb into our bed and squish right in next to us.

3.  When I ask him why he's so cute, he always replies, "Because I love you!"

4. He knows how to push his sister's buttons...

5. He just recently started to enjoy coloring and does a great job at it too.

6. Life just isn't complete if he doesn't get to play with his friends every single day (thank goodness for great neighbors!).

7.  Loves to play games on the iPhone. (Wasn't happy when we set a new rule that the iPhone is only pulled out on weekends)

8. Constantly needs to have his glasses cleaned.

9.  Has a hilarious sense of humor and comes out with the funniest statements.

10.  Loves to ride his bike.  If I make him 'walk' anywhere it's a battle... but he'll ride anywhere while I walk without complaint!

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