Monday, April 15, 2013

Making Dreams a Reality


Ever since we were first married we have had this jar that we’ve added a coin/bill here or there with the idea that we would someday go to Europe.  There have been a few times in the past that we have been tempted to open the jar and see what how much we had accumulated, but we’ve always stopped ourselves.  Well, tonight we finally did it.  We’ve made a goal to make it to Europe next year, so we decided to open the jar up and start our Europe fund.  Before we opened it, we both made guesses as to how much we thought was in it.  We cut the tape, opened the lid and were a little shocked to see as many bills as there were!  We haven’t really put anything into the jar since we moved here.  We dumped it out and started counting.  When we finished counting the bills we were both over what we’d guessed would be in the jar, then we started counting the coins!  We ended up with over $800 ($422 in coins!).  It’s not enough to get us to Europe, but it’s a start… and that’s better than nothing!


(For all you would be robbers out there… it’s now in the bank… so don’t come looking!)

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