Sunday, August 5, 2018

Going Home

It was hard to wake up this morning!  Lennard went over and put our laundry into the dryers and we got everything cleaned up so we can hook the trailer up as soon as we get home from church. It took a while to get Ben up and going.  We went to Sacrament meeting for 9:30 and then left right after the sacrament was passed so we could get the trailer hooked up and get on the road.

We met my parents on the road as we were heading out and said good bye. The kids have done pretty good. Funny thing that happened when we were driving - a van came up beside us and started waving and it was the Gardner's! Then, when we stopped for fuel, there they were again!  What are the chances!  Andrea said that it made it easier to say goodbye when we did it gradually.  We stopped there and got something to eat.  It made a bit of a longer day, but we all needed the break.

We were all really happy to get to the campground near Gretna, NE.  The kids were thrilled to see a large playground, a jumping pillow and a swimming pool.  They could hardly stand to stay in the truck until we got to our site! I haven't seen them most of the night. Lennard took them swimming while I made dinner. While we were eating, Lennard and I looked at each other and saw how totally exhausted we both are. We had a thought that since the pageant is done now we don't have the added help of being set apart. We have definitely been strengthened during the past two weeks in order to keep going for hours with the heat and humidity. We are looking forward to an early night to bed!

I layed down after dinner and ended up falling asleep. The kids apparently played at the playground until 9:00 and then they were starving again.  Lennard gave them the leftovers from dinner and then finally went to bed at 10:00.  I guess they're too used to our late nights!

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