Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Temple Time


We were encouraged as a Ward Counsel to attend the 7:00 session at the temple tonight.  It was a good opportunity to just schedule the time in and make sure that we went.  All too often, ‘life’ gets in the way… and it shouldn’t.  We got a babysitter for the kids (Erin) and headed out.  It was such a nice way to spend the evening.  It was a packed session and I learned more tonight than I have in a long time.  I needed to have that time to sit and ponder and soak in the Spirit.  It made me realize how much I NEED to take the time during the day to “re-fill my oil lamp”.  I have been running on empty for a while now and I needed the wake-up call.  I find it way too easy to pick up a novel and read instead of my scriptures, but that needs to change. 

I had a Primary presidency meeting on Monday morning and the spiritual thought that was shared was something to the effect of ‘am I a better wife/mother because of the calling I have?’.  It really hit me.  I tend to get busy with Primary stuff and get upset if my kids interrupt me (which definitely happens).  That is not what I want them to remember about their mom.  I really want to try harder to let them know that fulfilling callings is a good thing and not something to be stressed or frustrated with.  I am really enjoying my calling, but sometimes I don’t show it very well.  I want to be the kind of spouse and parent that they will want to be like.  I have had such amazing role models in my life and I need to try harder to emulate them. 

Being in Primary can be very isolating.  I don’t get the chance to be in Relief Society and Sunday School… so I can’t depend on the teachers to ‘spoon-feed’ the lessons to me, which is what I’ve been doing.  It has made me realize (especially this week) that I still need to be trying to read the lessons and studying on my own even if I can’t attend the lessons.  I need to make my spiritual growth a priority and not allow my calling to be an excuse instead of a reason to grow and learn on my own. 

attitude quote  1e78a0844a8f530de890c356b5c339fc

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