Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gratitude Day #11 - Veterans

This Remembrance Day, I am grateful for all those who have served our country and defended our freedom.  I am especially thankful for my great-grandpa (John Arthur Spencer), my grandma (Louise Cahoon), and Lennard's grandpa (Arthur Willard Nichols) - for their service in WWI and WWII.  I also honor my father-in-law, D. Lennard Nichols, for his many years of service in the Canadian Army.  The sacrifices he made to serve our country meant he was away from his family a lot more than he would have liked.  He missed a lot of things while his children were small, but it's because of men like him that we have the kind freedoms that we have in this country. 

I loved being able to look out and see the Canadian flag waving in the wind on our front lawn.  What a powerful symbol of our wonderful country.

Lennard was able to participate in the Town's Remembrance Day ceremony at the high school this morning and layed a wreath in honor of his grandfather.  I was pleased to hear that more people are now laying wreaths for their personal ancestors as well.  When we first moved here, they hadn't had anyone really do that, so it's nice to see that change!

I took Emma and went to Sacrament while Lennard stayed home with Ben while he napped.  It was a nice meeting, though Emma was over-tired and probably should have been home in bed as well!
I tried to get her to stand still and smile for a picture and this was as close as I got.  We definitely got a lot of comments on her outfit.  Such a cute girl!

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